Τρίτη 17 Μαΐου 2011

Bending Arts

Bending, the ability to manipulate an element, is very significant to all aspects of life in the Avatar World. There are five known Bending Arts; four of them bend a specific physical element, and the fifth bends the energy within the human body itself. The four elemental Bending Arts are based on the four classical elements; water, earth, fire and air, and each are manipulated through certain martial art styles which are reminiscent of the qualities of the element itself.
The fifth bending art, Energybending, is unlike the other four in that very little physical action is required to direct the bending itself. The four elemental Bending Arts are all dependent on the energy or chi within the human body, relying on its flow through the body to manipulate a specific element. Energybending on the other hand is concerned with the manipulation of the energy itself and has been shown to be able to remove one's bending abilities, though the full capabilities of Energybending is as yet, unknown.Each element is also associated with a particular nation in the Avatar world; the Water Tribe, the Earth Kingdom, the Fire Nation and the Air Nomads, though other bending affiliated groups exist (eg. the Sun Warriors, the Foggy Swamp Tribe). Though each nation is affiliated to a specific bending art, not all from any nation, with the exception of the Air Nomads, are born with the ability to bend. It is unclear how the ability to bend is distributed amongst the population, nor what would happen in the instance of dual citizenship. The only case of any one person being able to bend multiple elements, or an element not associated to their nation of birth, is the Avatar himself, the spirit of the world incarnate, who has the ability to practice all five Bending Arts.


Once used by the Air Nomads, Airbending is the most defensive bending art. Almost wiped out of existence by the Fire Nation, only one known Airbender remains: Aang. Though apparently lacking fatal finishing moves, it is the most dynamic of all the bending arts. As the element of freedom, Airbenders used their capability to bend unencumbered by the ground or any other environmental factors and use their own momentum as a weapon, evading attacks with astounding speed and agility to tire their opponents out or building up massive inertia for explosive gusts of wind to make their counterattacks finishing moves. Airbending's opposite is Earthbending and the confrontational style that serves as its foundation. No sub-skill has been revealed for Airbending other than possibly, flight, where an Airbender opens his/her glider and uses Airbending to provide thrust and lift. The first Airbenders were the Flying Bison. Their style of fighting is Ba Gua and their season is autumn.


Practiced by select people of the Water Tribe, Waterbending is not only the most versatile element, but one of the more unique bending arts as the first benders didn't learn from an animal, but from the moon. While a bender's victory in battle depends on their skill or ingenuity, Waterbenders, unlike other benders, gain a serious advantage or disadvantage depending on the amount of water around them, although highly skilled Waterbenders can draw water from surprising places. Waterbenders can draw humidity from the air and bend the water in living things, especially plants. As the element of change, Waterbenders can fluidly and quickly alternate from defense to offense, from a wall of ice to a jet of water, turning their opponent's strength against them. The opposite of Waterbending is Firebending and its relatively stagnant, direct philosophy. Due to its lunar sympathy, Waterbending is stronger at night and ineffective during a lunar eclipse or when the Moon Spirit is in danger. However, to counter Waterbending's ineffectiveness during a lunar eclipse, Waterbenders gain immense power during the peak of the full moon. The moon was the first Waterbender. The sub-skill for Waterbending is Healing. Their style of fighting is Tai Chi and their season is winter.


Originating in the Earth Kingdom, Earthbending demands a special connection with the earth that is achievable with neutral jing, doing nothing but waiting and listening until the right moment to strike. Like Waterbenders, Earthbenders also gain an advantage or disadvantage in battle based on the the amount of earth around them, but it isn't as extreme. Because of the element's stability and its stress on neutral jing, Earthbenders stand their ground, absorbing or intercepting attacks until they completely overwhelm their opponents. Unlike the other bending arts, Earthbending's strength equally lies in both offense and defense. Badgermoles were the first Earthbenders. Earthbending is the direct opposite of Airbending as Airbending's emphasis on evasion and mobility is a stark contrast to Earthbending's fortitude and strength. The sub-skill for Earthbending is the Seismic Sense and, as an extension, Metalbending. Their style of fighting is Hung Ga, however, Toph uses a different style which is The Southern Praying Mantis. Their season is spring.


Firebending, used by the people of the Fire Nation, is the most aggressive bending art. Unlike other benders who depend on external sources of their elements to bend, Firebenders can create fire using their internal heat source in addition to controlling already existent flames. As the element of power, Firebenders have to be able to maintain a constant source of energy and balance in battle, unleashing a volley of direct, successive attacks. Firebending's relatively simple and direct style contrasts the complex and changing style of Waterbending. Due to its solar affinity, Firebending is stronger during the day and at its full power at noon, but ineffective during a solar eclipse. When a comet is near the planet, the power of a Firebender is greatly increased. For a long time, disciplines of Firebending were taught to be fueled by hatred. Dragons were the first Firebenders. The sub-skill of Firebending is lightning. Their style of fighting is Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and their season is summer.


Energybending is a bending art that existed in the era before the Avatar and other bending arts. It is the bending of the energy within one's body. Energybending allows the user to remove other peoples' bending abilities. It is a highly dangerous technique and, if one's own energy is bendable, then that person will be consequently destroyed. Very few Avatars have learned this bending art and even fewer have used it.

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