Τρίτη 17 Μαΐου 2011

Soul Resonance

INFO:Soul Resonance (魂の共鳴, Tamashii no Kyōmei; Literally meaning "Resonance of the Soul") is a special technique used by Meisters and Weapons, in which, they synchronize their Souls wavelength. By doing so, they can release highly powerful techniques and, more often than not, change the tide of a battle.

SHINIGAMI'S EXPLANATION:A Meister and a weapon are like an electric guitar and an amp.

The sound (soul wavelength) that comes from an electric guitar (Meister) by itself is rather faint...
But when you connect an amp (Weapon) to it, the soul wavelength is amplified, giving it a lot of power.

CHAIN RESONANCE:Chain Resonance (or Team Resonance), just as it would indicate, is a kind of Resonance that involves a team of Meisters matching their wavelengths with one another in order to empower each other. It is extremely difficult to maintain, unless all the team can easily keep their souls on a balanced level. There is no set number to the amount of meisters required to perform the Chain Resonance, but it is more powerful yet more difficult in a larger team. Also, Chain Resonance seems to work best with weapon's of similar elements, such as, Harvar and Pot of Thunder.

During the battle for Brew, Soul played the piano in order to give the resonance a rhythm to follow, establishing a much more stable connection which allowed the meisters to fully concentrate on the opponent rather than on the complex balancing issues.

Scream Resonance

Crona using Scream Resonance.

Scream resonance is the form of resonance that Crona and his/her Demon Sword Ragnarok use. When initiating the resonance, the mouth that appears on Ragnarok (as a weapon) opens wide screaming out a loud sound wave. This sound wave can cause internal damage to an opponent and even other weapons, shown when in contact with Soul causing him pain even in weapon form. Beside the piercing sound wave, this resonance is just the same as a normal Soul Resonance.

Soul Menace

Stein using Soul Menace
Soul Menace is a form of "self resonance" with one's soul, meaning that the user's own soul becomes powerful enough that it is not restricted to using the amplification of a weapon in order to attack. This allows the user to use attacks that cause damage to a target internally. This can even affect a user of the Black Blood, causing damage and even causing the blood to reject it's host.

                                   Maka and Soul's soul resonance:

Death the Kid and Thompson Sisters' soul resonance:

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