Τρίτη 17 Μαΐου 2011

Instant Transmission Kamehameha

Instant Trasmission Kamehameha is a combination of the Instant Transmission and Kamehameha used by Goku in his Super Saiyan form. First, Goku charges up for the Kamehameha up to, "Ka... me... ha... me...". Then, he uses the Instant Transmission to transport infront of the opponent while he is still charging the attack. Finally, Goku fires the attack with the final syllable, "...ha!" against the opponent, inflicting an enormous amount of damage.Goku used this attack during his fight with Perfect Cell. The astounding, sheer power put into the blast was powerful enough to literally vaporize the top half of Perfect Cell's body. However, due to having Piccolo's regenerative ability in his cells, Perfect Cell was able to regenerate his torso and continue the fight.Goku later used this move to defeat Pikkon after figuring out the weakness of his Thunder Flash Attack. However, Goku only appeared at Pikkon's side rather than in front of him to blast him off of the stage.

                                                                   Here is the video:

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