Τρίτη 17 Μαΐου 2011


Zanpakutō (斬魄刀; literally, soul-cutter sword) is the main weapon of the Shinigami, the Arrancar and theVisored. The art of wielding a Zanpakutō is called Zanjutsu (斬術; literally, swordsmanship).Zanpakutō are the trademark weapons of the Shinigami. Capable of cutting spiritual bodies, they are amongst the few weapons which can be used to combat Hollows. Each Shinigami carries a Zanpakutō, and each Zanpakutō is unique: as the swords are both reflections of a Shinigami's soul and power, and sentient beings unto themselves. The Zanpakutō's name is also the name of the living spirit that empowers the sword and lends its strength to the Shinigami who wields it. These beings can vary greatly in appearance and have their own distinct personalities which match their owner's. Normally, the Zanpakutō spirit can only be seen by its wielder. Otherwise, they dwell in their own "inner world", created within the minds of the Shinigami who wield them. As such, each Shinigami's inner world is drastically different from another Shinigami's and is unique to themselves. A Zanpakutō's spirit can bring its wielder into its inner world, though Shinigami can voluntarily achieve this simply by meditation.
A Zanpakutō's shape and abilities are based on their Shinigami's soul. Once a Shinigami learns his/her sword's name, they are able to communicate with one another and grow stronger together. Zanpakutō are born with their Shinigami and they die along with their Shinigami. Shinigami use them in battle as a reflection of their heart. When released, they can display a vibrant power. They are one with the Shinigami, and they share a Shinigami's conviction.
Asauchi (浅打ち; literally, "shallow hit"): The class of nameless Zanpakutō that all low-class Shinigami wield. Shinigami who are still in training - those who do not yet belong to any of the Gotei 13 - all wield generic Zanpakutō. Shinigami who are unable to communicate with their Zanpakutō, the "shallow hit", which refers to the grossly-reduced power of a Zanpakutō whose wielder cannot connect with it properly.

Zanpakutō Control

Wielding a Zanpakutō is more than a simple matter of skill in swordsmanship. Since the swords themselves are alive, a Shinigami must obtain his or her sword's cooperation to truly maximize its performance. This can be done in a variety of ways, though it seems that the orthodox approach involves subjugating the sword; the Shinigami belonging to the Thirteen Divisions keep their swords sealed into the forms of ordinary katana and have strict rules about when and where they are allowed to release their true forms. Keeping a sword in its unsealed form all the time seems to be considered gauche, as a sign of carelessness and/or inexperience. The Shinigami also use certain phrases when they activate their swords, which appear to be necessary to release the seals keeping the swords' powers bound. These are always phrased as commands, further emphasizing the "subjugation" aspect of Zanpakutō control. Most swords have at least one, though some Shinigami use more than one to command their weapons.It is not enough to simply know the name of one's Zanpakutō. If a wielder were to lend its power to its Zanpakutō then the weapon would become stronger. To fully use a Zanpakutō's power, a wielder must get to know its Zanpakutō's spirit.


Jinzen (刃禅, Blade Zen): This method is the only way to carry on a proper conversation with one's Zanpakutō. One places their sword over their lap and takes a meditative pose and then forces their mind to become one with the Zanpakutō.
In this form, one can call out the true form of the powers of their Zanpakutō. This form is something that Soul Society has worked out over the thousands of years since its formation. It is entirely about speaking with one's sword. This advanced form of training is far different from attaining abilities by force. In this form it is about entering a state of calm to enter the inner world of the Zanpakutō and engage them there. In this state a wielder will have to fight their Zanpakutō spirit in order to attain access to new abilities, the Zanpakutō spirit does not want to teach these moves and engage the wielder in a battle the likes of which has never taken place before.In this meditative state, one is so deeply entranced that even sustained wounds are ignored. Any form of injury sustained in the inner world while in this meditative state is reflective in the real world. 


Depending upon the Shinigami's ability to communicate with and control their Zanpakutō's spirit, a Zanpakutō can manifest itself in two additional forms and revert to a sealed state. These two forms, known as Shikai and Bankai, are akin to "upgrades" for the Zanpakutō, giving it abilities far beyond that of its simple use as a sword. Shinigami usually carry their Zanpakutō in the sealed state and activate the released forms as necessary.All Zanpakutō have two levels of release. The first one is Shikai (initial release) and the second one is Bankai (final release). One must be able to do both of them to become a captain. The power and forms of Shikai and Bankai are dependent on the Zanpakutō. They also vary according to the wielder's strength and training.


Most Zanpakutō look like regular katana, with slight variations between them as one would expect between different swords. There variations are commonly:
  • Katana (刀): The term katana may be applied to the standard-size, moderately-curved, Japanese sword with a blade length of greater than 60 cm (23.6 inches). The katana is characterized by its distinctive appearance: a curved, slender, single-edged blade, a circular or squared guard, and a hilt long enough to accommodate two hands.

  • Wakizashi (脇差 (わきざし); meaning "side insertion"): A short blade between 30 and 60 cm (12 and 24 inches), with an average of 50 cm (20 inches). It is similar to but shorter than a katana, and usually shorter than the kodachi (小太刀 (こだち); meaning "small sword"). The wakizashi was usually worn together with the katana. When worn together the pair of swords were called daishō, which translates literally as "large and small". The katana was often called the long sword and the wakizashi the companion sword.

  • Nodachi (野太刀 (のだち); meaning "field sword"): The nodachi was more difficult to wield due to its size and weight. The length of the nodachi's hilt varied between twelve to thirteen inches (30 to 33 centimeters). Its cutting capability and range exceeds that of a katana, due to its weight and size.

In addition to the upgraded forms, the sealed form of a Zanpakutō can also be radically altered, though such alterations are purely cosmetic and usually don't offer any significant advantage in battle; one exception is Ikkaku Madarame's Hōzukimaru, whose hilt stores a blood-clotting ointment. Zanpakutō can also be disguised as other objects, though such objects seem to need to be of similar proportions to the sword itself. Both Kisuke Urahara and Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, for example, disguise their Zanpakutō as canes, Yamamoto's as a large walking stick that dissolves on command to reveal his sheathed Zanpakutō, Urahara's as a shikomizue, a thin blade hidden within the hollow shaft of a cane.
A Zanpakutō will return to its sealed state when its wielder is knocked unconscious.


The Shikai (始解, Initial Release) is the second form (or first "upgraded" form) available to a Zanpakutō. To activate it, the Shinigami needs to learn the name of their Zanpakutō. This is not as easy as simply picking a name, as the living spirit of the Zanpakutō already has its own name. Therefore, the Shinigami must be able to communicate and harmonize with their Zanpakutō effectively, which requires being able to speak to the spirit within its world.A Zanpakutō can change size and shape depending on the spiritual strength of the owner.Achievement of the Shikai is a mark of control of a Zanpakutō, and it appears to be a requirement for advancement within the Shinigami ranks, as presumably most seated officers are capable of Shikai. It is also required in order to achieve the rank of lieutenant; as it is a requirement most captains look for. After first learning the Zanpakutō's name, the Shikai can be performed at will simply by speaking a command followed by the Zanpakutō's name. The commands vary between users and range from a simple imperative verb to a short poem. They often relate to the Zanpakutō's signature ability, or hint at the nature of its spirit. This step may be bypassed by expert Shinigami who have learned how to use their Bankai.
Constant-Release: In rare cases, a Zanpakutō, once released, will remain in that state indefinitely. This is due to the vast amount of spiritual energy the possessor has that cannot be finely controlled upon initial generation of their Zanpakutō, as such the Zanpakutō is described as a constant released form. The only known Shinigami with Full-Time Release Zanpakutō are Ichigo Kurosaki and Kenpachi Zaraki. By the nature of this type of Zanpakutō, a Shinigami with a constant release form does not need a release command nor is it necessary to even know their Zanpakutō's name. However, not knowing the name of one's Zanpakutō can put a Shinigami at a disadvantage in terms of power against those who do know their Zanpakutō's name.
Shikai Forms: Once the Shikai is activated, the Zanpakutō will change form to access whatever special abilities it is capable of. They almost always take on the form of a weapon of some kind, though the type of weapon can vary greatly among different Zanpakutō. One exception is Retsu Unohana's Shikai, which seems to take on the characteristics of an animal, rather than a weapon.
Special Abilities: Once the Shikai is activated, the Zanpakutō will change form to access whatever special abilities it is capable of. The special abilities of the Zanpakutō, like the Zanpakutō itself, have specific names that usually must be announced to fully activate the effect. As Ichigo's Zanpakutō, Zangetsu, explains, knowing the name of an attack and not knowing it makes a very drastic difference in the amount of power that attack utilizes. Some special abilities are automatically activated upon release.


The Bankai (卍解, Final Release) is the second and final upgraded form of a Zanpakutō. To achieve Bankai, one must be able to materialize and subjugate their Zanpakutō spirit. Materialization means the opposite of getting dragged into the Zanpakutō's inner world. Instead the wielder needs to summon the Zanpakutō's spirit into the physical world. It usually takes 10 years or more to achieve, plus the experience needed to master it.The power and forms of Shikai and Bankai are dependent on the Zanpakutō. They also vary according to the wielder's strength and training. But in general, one's power can grow 5 to 10 times greater. Only the strongest Shinigami can use it. It is also the ultimate technique of a Zanpakutō. Even the Four noble families, whose members are always exceptionally talented, have a member capable of Bankai only every few generations. Those who achieve Bankai always have remarkable roles in the history of Soul Society.Ichigo Kurosaki and Kisuke Urahara are the only known individuals that have mastered Bankai through a far shorter, yet much more dangerous method. Using a special device created by Urahara, which forcibly materializes a Zanpakutō spirit (thus bypassing a large portion of the training), they were able to attain their Bankai within three days instead of the normal hundreds of years. After successfully testing the device and achieving Bankai, Urahara stated that training by using this method for more than three consecutive days could prove to be fatal, which is why Ichigo was also forced to achieve his own Bankai within three days.Besides Ichigo Kurosaki, the only non-captain Shinigami known to have achieved Bankai are Renji Abarai(Lieutenant), who finalized his training at about the same time as Ichigo (although he did not use Urahara's device, but rather perfected it while Ichigo was training), and Ikkaku Madarame (3rd Seat), who did so through his own years of training.
Bankai Forms: After a Shinigami is able to materialize and subjugate their Zanpakutō's spirit, the Zanpakutō can assume its final and most powerful form. Unlike the Shikai, there is no command phrase to activate Bankai, though the user will usually say "Bankai" beforehand. A Zanpakutō's Bankai is often a manifestation of the spirit itself, usually creating a massive creature or a very powerful effect to aid the user in battle (Ichigo's Bankai is an exception, becoming more compact instead). The Bankai itself will receive a different name in addition to the ordinary Zanpakutō (for example Ichigo's Zangetsu becomes Tensa Zangetsu, Byakuya's Senbonzakura becomes Senbonzakura Kageyoshi). Certain Shinigami also change with their Zanpakutō, gaining clothing similar to what their Zanpakutō's spirit form looks like. Most Zanpakutō will also gain additional special abilities, or a more enhanced version of the usual one. Like with the Shikai, most of these abilities have an associated name. Maintaining the Bankai is taxing for the wielder, and it is difficult to maintain it for long periods of time for most Shinigami, with the exception of Ichigo, as it becomes more compact, thus allowing him to hold it for long periods of time.
Special Abilities: The power that comes with Bankai tends to be similar to the Shikai's ability/theme, but amplifies it to much greater levels of power and effect. Some simply increase the original ability, such as Byakuya Kuchiki's blade count multiplies greatly, Ichigo Kurosaki's Getsuga Tenshō becoming faster, far more powerful, and its color become black, or Sajin Komamura's, who instead of only generating pieces of the giant, summons the whole giant itself. While other Bankai follow the theme of the sword, such as Renji's remains whip-like while containing baboon and cobra features, or Mayuri summons a monster with the same face (Jizō) on his trident-esque sword, but kept the theme of poison that came from the monster's breath.
Weakness: A high enough level of spiritual energy can be used to disrupt the rhythm of a Bankai. The biggest flaw of Bankai lies in the overwhelming power it releases. Its power and form are often far beyond that of a normal weapon. This is the reason that in order for one to become capable of using it completely and effectively, one needs to train at least 10 years with Bankai. Any Bankai before that period of time has been reached should not be used in battle.


There are several types of Zanpakutō though only three types mentioned (Melee, Kidō and Elemental). Kidō has many sub-groups and the Elemental-types while part of Kidō-type grouping, is so big and diverse that is able to stand on its own as its on grouping. (Note, Types are determined by what a Zanpakutō is shown and/or stated to be capable of within the confines of these types and nothing more). These types include:
Melee-Type Zanpakutō
(Are typically designed for various forms of armed melee combat rather than magic-based abilities.)
NameSealed FormRelease CommandBankai NameWielder Name
Zangetsu (斬月, Slaying Moon)NoneNoneTensa Zangetsu (天鎖斬月, Heaven Chain Slaying Moon)Ichigo Kurosaki /Hollow Ichigo
UnknownNoneNoneNoneKenpachi Zaraki[
Zabimaru (蛇尾丸, Snake Tail)KatanaHowlHihiō Zabimaru (狒狒王蛇尾丸, Baboon King Snake Tail)Renji Abarai
Hōzukimaru (鬼灯丸, Demon Light)KatanaGrow / SplitRyūmon Hōzukimaru (龍紋鬼灯丸, Dragon Crest Demon Light)Ikkaku Madarame
Reppū (烈風, "Gale")KatanaRage ViolentlyNoneMakoto Kibune
Kazeshini (風死, Wind Death)KatanaReapNoneShūhei Hisagi
Gegetsuburi (五形頭; "Five-Formed Head")KatanaCrushNoneMarechiyo Ōmaeda
Tenken (天譴, "Heavenly Punishment")KatanaRoarKokujō Tengen Myō'ō (黒縄天譴明王, Vidyaraja of Kalasutra's Heavenly Punishment)Sajin Komamura
Kidō-Type Zanpakutō
(Are designed around a special ability rather than close combat potential.)
NameSealed FormRelease CommandBankai NameWielder Name
Ruri'iro Kujaku (瑠璃色孔雀, Azure Peacock)KatanaBloom / Split and DeviateNoneYumichika Ayasegawa
Minazuki (肉雫唼, "Purify the Flesh")NodachiUnknownUnknownRetsu Unohana
Benihime (紅姫, Crimson Princess)ShikomizueAwakenUnknownKisuke Urahara
Suzumushi (清虫, Cricket)KatanaCrySuzumushi Tsuishiki: Enma Kōrogi (清虫終式閻魔蟋蟀, Cricket Final Form: Devil Cricket)Kaname Tōsen
Hisagomaru (瓠丸, Gourd)KatanaFulfillNoneHanatarō Yamada
Kinshara (金沙羅, Golden Sal Tree)KatanaPlayUnknownRōjūrō Otoribashi
Katen Kyōkotsu(花天狂骨; Flower Heaven, Crazy Bone)DaishoFlower Wind Rage and Flower God Roar, Heavenly Wind Rage and Heavenly Demon SneerUnknownShunsui Kyōraku
Sōgyo no Kotowari (双魚理, Truth of Pisces)KatanaAll Waves, Rise now and Become my Shield, Lightning, Strike now and Become my BladeUnknownJūshirō Ukitake
Wabisuke (侘助; the Wretched One)KatanaRaise Your HeadNoneIzuru Kira
Ryūjōmaru (竜条丸, Dragon Brander)KatanaFlashKokyū Ryūjōmaru (虎糾竜条丸, Tiger-Seeking Dragon Brander)Fujimaru Kudō
Kotōmaru (虎淘丸, Tiger Culler)KatanaSwathRyūkyū Kotōmaru (竜糾虎淘丸, Dragon-Seeking Tiger Culler)Matsuri Kudō

Kidō Sub-Types

Certain Zanpakutō possess defined abilities and exist in their own category. Due to them being designed around a special ability they are therefore a form of Kidō-Type Zanpakutō.
Projectile-Type Zanpakutō
(When released separate into many air based blades that the owner can control freely.)
NameSealed FormRelease CommandBankai NameWielder Name
Tsunzakigarasu (劈烏, Splitting Crow)KatanaFlap AwayNoneJirōbō Ikkanzaka
Defense-Type Zanpakutō
(Are designed around defensive capability with little or no offense.)
NameSealed FormRelease CommandBankai NameWielder Name
Daichimaru (だいちまる, The Land)KatanaRockNoneRusaburō Enkōgawa
Poison-Type Zanpakutō
(Designed to generate and administer poison as a form of attack.)
NameSealed FormRelease CommandBankai NameWielder Name
Ashisogi Jizō (疋殺地蔵, Leg-Cutting Jizō)KatanaRipKonjiki Ashisogi Jizō (金色疋殺地蔵, Golden Leg-Cutting Jizō)Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Suzumebachi (雀蜂, Hornet)WakizashiSting All Enemies To DeathJakuhō Raikōben (雀蜂雷公鞭, Hornet Thunder Whip)Suì-Fēng
Shinsō (神鎗, God Spear)WakizashiShoot To KillKamishini no Yari (神殺鎗, God-Killing Spear)Gin Ichimaru
Illusion-Type Zanpakutō
(Are designed around the ability to generate and manipulate perceptions via illusions.)
NameSealed FormRelease CommandBankai NameWielder Name
Kyōka Suigetsu (鏡花水月, Mirror Flower, Water Moon)KatanaShatterUnknownSōsuke Aizen
Sakanade (逆撫, Counter Stroke)KatanaCollapseUnknownShinji Hirako
Muramasa (村正, Village-Just)KatanaWhisperNoneKōga Kuchiki

Elemental Sub-Type

A large amount of the Zanpakutō are classified by elements, generally utilizing their respective elements as forms of attack. Elemental Zanpakutō are all Kidō-sub-type which have an element based as noted by Kenpachi Zarakiand Maki Ichinose during their battle. This is later affirmed by Marechiyo Ōmaeda.
Fire-Type Zanpakutō
(Designed to generate fire and manipulate fire for various forms of attack or defense.)
NameSealed FormRelease CommandBankai NameWielder Name
Ryūjin Jakka (流刃若火; "Flowing Blade-Like Flame")KatanaReduce All Creation to AshUnknownGenryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto
Tengumaru (天狗丸, Long-Nosed Goblin)KatanaCrush DownUnknownLove Aikawa
Raika (雷火, Lightning Flash)KodachiSeverRaika Gōen Kaku (雷火 豪炎殻, Lightning Flash Flame Shell)Shūsuke Amagai
Tobiume (飛梅, "Flying Plum Tree")KatanaSnapNoneMomo Hinamori
Ice-Type Zanpakutō
(Designed to generate water and manipulate it into ice (and related effects) for various forms of attack or defense.)
NameSealed FormRelease CommandBankai NameWielder Name
Hyōrinmaru (氷輪丸, "Ice Ring")KatanaSit Upon the Frozen HeavensDaiguren Hyōrinmaru (大紅蓮 氷輪丸, Grand Crimson Lotus Ice Ring)Tōshirō Hitsugaya /Sōjirō Kusaka
Sode no Shirayuki (袖白雪, Sleeved White Snow)KatanaDanceNoneRukia Kuchiki
Earth-Type Zanpakutō
(Designed to manipulate the ground for various forms of attack or defense.)
NameSealed FormRelease CommandBankai NameWielder Name
Tsuchinamazu (土鯰, Soil Catfish)KatanaGood MorningNoneZennosuke Kurumadani
Wind-Type Zanpakutō
(Designed to manipulate wind for various forms of attack or defense.)
NameSealed FormRelease CommandBankai NameWielder Name
Tachikaze (断地風, Earth-Severing Wind)KodachiBlow It AwayTekken Tachikaze (鐡拳・断風, Iron Fist Earth-Severing Wind)Kensei Muguruma
Mirokumaru (弥勒丸, Maitreya Circle)KatanaCall forth the TwilightNoneSenna
Water-Type Zanpakutō
(Designed to generate and manipulate water (and related effects) for various forms of attack or defense.)
NameSealed FormRelease CommandBankai NameWielder Name
Nejibana (捩花, Twisted Flower)KatanaRankle the Seas and the SkiesNoneKaien Shiba
Plant-Type Zanpakutō
(Designed to generate and manipulate plant(s) for various forms of attack or defense.)
NameSealed FormRelease CommandBankai NameWielder Name
Benishidare (紅枝垂, Crimson Weeping Bough)KatanaBloom MadlyNoneRyūsei Kenzaki
Light-Type Zanpakutō
(Designed to generate and manipulate light for various forms of effects.)
NameSealed FormRelease CommandBankai NameWielder Name
Nijigasumi (虹霞, Rainbow Mist)KatanaShine BrightlyNoneMaki Ichinose
Electricity-Type Zanpakutō
(Designed to generate and manipulate electricity (and related effects) as a form of attack.)
NameSealed FormRelease CommandBankai NameWielder Name
Shiden (紫電, Violet Lightning)KatanaStrike DownUnknownSeigen Suzunami

Unclassified Types

Unclassified Types
(These are the Zanpakutō that while the names and Shikai may be known, their type cannot be readily verified.)
NameSealed FormRelease CommandBankai NameWielder Name
Senbonzakura (千本桜, Thousand Cherry Blossoms)KatanaScatterSenbonzakura Kageyoshi (千本桜景厳, Vibrant Display of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms)Byakuya Kuchiki
Haineko (灰猫, Ash Cat)Katana variationGrowlNoneRangiku Matsumoto
Engetsu (弦月, Scathing Moon)KatanaUnknownUnknownIsshin Kurosaki
Gonryōmaru (厳霊丸, Solemn Spirit)KatanaBiteNoneChōjirō Sasakibe
Itegumo (凍雲, Frozen Cloud)KatanaRunNoneIsane Kotetsu
UnknownTantōUnknownNoneTetsuzaemon Iba
Kubikiri Orochi (馘大蛇, Beheading Serpent)KatanaChop CleanlyNoneHiyori Sarugaki
Haguro Tonbo (鉄漿蜻蛉, Iron Drink Dragonfly)NōdachiSmashNoneLisa Yadōmaru

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