Τετάρτη 18 Μαΐου 2011


INFO:The Bounts (バウント, Baunto) are a group of Humans that live by consuming Human souls (Pluses), as well as Shinigami and Quincy souls which potentially increases their abilities. The Bounts only appear in the anime.Bounts are living beings similar to the Quincy, the difference being they have a special component that is encompassed by a Human soul. Bounts have the unique ability to absorb Human souls, making them their own. It is as a result of this ability, that have named Bounts at various times in Human history as "vampires". As the accidental creations of a Shinigami scientist, they were once affiliated with Soul Society. Currently the Bounts in general are only a small tribe of beings from what they once were. Due to their circumstance they are neither affiliated with Soul Society nor the living world, they are pariahs, accepted in neither dimension.


The natural abilities they possess due to their unique creation differentiate them from normal Humans and even Qunicy. These abilities include:
Soul Absorption: Bounts normally try to absorb the Human's soul after the person dies and is trying to pass on. But they are also capable of taking the souls of those who are living, to do so kills the Human.
Immortality: By absorbing Human souls, a Bount can live forever. When they absorb Human souls, they gain eternal life.
Empowerment: By taking the souls of living Humans, Bounts gain unique abilities.

Bount Seals: Jin Kariya was the only bount who has shown most use of this technique. His first one was the birth of the bittos. The following bount seals:
Zeige Dich, Noin Raven meaning Pursue the Plan, Noin Raven
Zeige Dich!, German for Show yourself, is used by all the Bounts. It is simillar to a Shikai command; the difference is that all Bounts have the same release command. A Shikai has only one dominant command, while a doll has many commands.
Space Manipulation: The Bounts are able to manipulate space after they have sucked a number of souls. Jin Kariya was said to have long had this ability, while Gō Koga had recently gained the ability. The following Spacial Commands are:
Andere Welt anschliessende Port, tauch' dich sofort auf!, incorrect German meaning The portal which connects to another world, appear now!. This opens a senkaimon.
Mache sogleich das Tor fuer unsere Bounto auf!, German phrase meaning Open at once the gate for our Bounts. This allows the Bount's souls to pass through the senkaimon. In order for the portal to open faster, it needs a quincy arrow to be shot through the portal.
DOLLS: Bounts, being created as variations on a Shinigami soul, have similar powers to Shinigami. The foremost of these powers is the Bount doll, a familiar equivalent to the Shinigami's Zanpakutō. Like a Zanpakutō, a doll is its creator's power given physical form. Also like a Zanpakutō, a doll's personality is much like its creator's, though the dolls seem to have more personality variation than the Zanpakutō spirits seen thus far.

The main difference between a doll and a Zanpakutō is how they operate. Unlike a Zanpakutō, whose personality is generally dormant except when the Shinigami wishes to speak to them, a doll's personality is always dominant. Dolls are self-sufficient when released, though they can easily be resealed. The Bounts' ability to control their doll is largely based on their individual power and relationship with the doll. Moreover, if either the doll or its Bount partner sustains severe damage in a battle, the Bount may lose control over his doll, depending on the amount of damage dealt. If a doll is injured, it will simply return itself to its sealed state. However, should its master be injured, the doll may go berserk and kill its master, which is what happened with Ugaki and Mabashi's dolls. A doll may also kill a Bount who is not powerful enough to contain it, as was the case with Cain. Bounts with a genuine bond with their dolls can transgress this (but only if their interaction goes well beyond that of between master and slave), however, as shown by Yoshino's doll's loyalty towards his master to the point where he refused to leave her side to fulfill her final wish: for her to be merged with him.
Like a Zanpakutō, dolls are generally sealed into an object and released as necessary (Gō Koga's doll, for example, is sealed into a metal sphere but his hidden doll is merged with him by his special abilities). The object varies greatly from person to person and is often an expression of the doll's abilities. In order to call upon a Bount's doll, the phrase "Zeige Dich" is said, which is a German phrase meaning "Show yourself." 


Jin Kariya - leader, (deceased, killed by wounds sustained from Ichigo Kurosaki)

Gō Koga - last surviving Bount (defeated by Tōshirō Hitsugaya and saved by Ran'Tao, whom he is currently living with)

Cain (deceased, killed by his own doll, Waineton)

Hō and Ban (deceased, killed by Ganju Shiba)

Ryō Utagawa (deceased, killed by Maki Ichinose for treason)

Mabashi (deceased, killed by Suì-Fēng)

Sawatari - seemingly "the oldest" Bount, (deceased, killed by Mayuri Kurotsuchi)

Ugaki (deceased, killed and devoured by his own doll, Gesell)

Yoshi (deceased, killed by Uryū Ishida)

Yoshino Sōma - the only Bount able to reproduce, (deceased, impaled by Jin Kariya and soul transformed into the Bitto)

Maki Ichinose - Shinigami; considered part of the Bount (deceased, killed by Jin Kariya)

Here is an amv about the bounts:

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